Monday, January 14, 2013

Taking Care of Baby Clothes

Taking Care of Your Baby Clothes

Taking care of baby clothes from the time you buy them to the time you store them, can not only be time consuming but a very tedious task. On the other hand, if you know what you are doing, it can be very enjoyable. Henceforth are a few things about baby clothes that will help you a lot.

Readying the clothes in anticipation of the baby

It is very necessary to wash the clothes before the baby wears them. The clothes have probably gone through a number of hands and since you do not know what other thing those hands have touched, it is best to wash the clothes. If you don't, you may be risking your baby's skin which is very sensitive. Do not take any chances. When washing, make use of detergent that is free and clear while avoiding the fabric softener. The fabric softener can bring about skin irritation. Anything that will come into contact with the baby clothes should be washed, whether it's the dad's shirts or the mum's blankets.

Getting rid of stains after the baby comes

Now the fun starts after the baby is home. Everything that you use on the baby from formula to vegetables, lotions to oils and so on will lead to stains. These stains may be difficult to get rid of but not impossible. The moment you detect the stain, rinse the clothes in cold water. This goes a long way in preventing setting of the stain. Once you rinse in cold water, soak the clothes in a pre-treatment for about thirty minutes. Finally, rinse in warm water and the stain is no more.

When the baby poops, how do you clean?

There's absolutely no use going around in circles, your baby's diapers will be explosive. It is not the most interesting thing to clean but hey, you have to deal with it, right? Again, a pre-treatment works best especially when it comes to this stain. Soak the clothes for about thirty minutes in the pre-treatment before adding warm water and more detergent. Repeat this process as many times as you can and ensure that you are enthralled by the stain removal before you decide to dry the baby clothes.

Storing outgrown clothes

Babies grow very fast and it is sad to say that one day your cute little pie will definitely outgrow those pretty little clothes you bought. When this graduation happens, there are a few things you can do; you may swap them with a friend's baby, you may sell them in a garage sale or even take them to a consignment shop. Perhaps, you want to be smart and if this is the case, store the clothes for the baby who might be on the way. Storing these clothes needs preparation. No matter how clean they are, you need to wash them before packing them. The surprising thing is that you need to do this the same way you did the first time you got them; avoid fabric softeners.

It's really up to you how you decide to embark on this task. It can be fun or it can be tedious but one thing you can be assured of is that you will create memories that you will share with the baby once he or she is grown. Do you want them to be bad or good?

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